I was trying to do a good deed for my grandchildren so I decided to build a tree house. Of course, anyone who knows me at all knows I take things to the max. One of my son-in-laws has a picture of liquid nails on his cell phone as my caller ID. I nail and glue everything so it never comes a part!
My story, I was minding my own business working at my own pace trying to build a tree house for my grandchildren. Needless to say when they saw the legs and platform go up, the excitement overcame them and all they wanted to know is when PePa is going to have the house done. What did I do, I tried working longer hours and faster to get the house done, which excited them more and also made me feel good that they were so excited. In my haste, I made a misstep and began falling from about 10-12 feet in the air. In a “last ditch” effort to save myself from real serious damage I decided to try to dive onto the deck of the tree house rather than hit the ground below me. I heard the snap of my foot bones in mid-air. You would have thought I learned by now healing takes time after breaking so many bones from playing sports. I convinced the doctor to give me a boot rather than place a cast on my foot. Guess what? I wore the boot only when I thought I had to. A six week healing process is now entering 7 months. If I am not healed 100% by the end of August, I will need surgery and a bone graft.
My point of this is while you want to do your best to please (grandchildren) as well as think you know more than the doctor (not wear the boot), always heed to good judgment! Someone else can help so engage them as well as listen to them.